Posts in #thebrandswelove
Jeff Mills: The Outer Limits

The program, written, produced and presented by Mills will focus on exploring high-level concepts in intergalactic theories, parallel realities and the "intricacies of time and space" while showcasing the icon's favorite pieces in classical, electronic and jazz.

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Iris van Herpen o el arte en la moda

“Don’t forget how engineered nature is, itself (...) I think we as humans don’t even come close to the intelligence within nature. It’s funny how people think that nature is simple and technology is complex—it’s the opposite; technology is simple and nature is complex.” Iris van Herpen. 

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#thebrandsweloveErika G.
Andrés Jaque Architects / Office for Political Innovation

Office for Political Innovation, a Madrid/New York based practice directed by Andrés Jaque, develops architectural projects that bring inclusivity into daily life. All their architectures can be seen as durable assemblages of the diversity ordinary life is made of. Its work has instigated crucial debates for contemporary architecture.

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La Granja / Back to the land

"Composting, mulching, and a high-tech, sustainable approach to water management have returned vital nutrients to the multiple garden plots spread across the property. Old, ridged terraces have been reborn, revealing a seeded curation of the land with 30 assorted seasonal fruit and vegetable varieties(...)." The Farm Ibiza.

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#thebrandsweloveErika G.